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Year 6






Write stories set in places pupils have been. (within Rock, Paper, Scissors story)
Write stories that include mythical, legendary or historical characters and events (Rock, Paper, Scissors story)
Write letters. (Formal letters to Kingswood)
Write plays. (Christmas service)

Write recounts. (Informal - TBITSP Diary)
Write persuasively. (Dragons' Den / Harvest)
Write formally.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Write letters. (Formal letters - Globe)
Write fictional biographies. (Macbeth character description)

Write instructions. (How to catch a Witch)
Write recounts. (informal - the night of the murder.)
Write arguments. (Discussion text - Should Macbeth kill King Duncan?)
Write formally.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Write stories set in places pupils have been. (Varmints)
Write stories that include mythical, legendary or historical characters and events (within Dracula's Whitby story) 
Write stories of mystery and suspense. (Dracula's Whitby)

Write persuasively. (R&R museum leaflet / Dragons' Den) 
Write formally.

Write poetry that conveys an image (simile, word play, rhyme, metaphor.) (Journey of a raindrop) 


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Place Value

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Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and division 
Fractions A and B

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Use algebra (Covered as part of the “Add and subtract” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems and as part of the “Multiply and divide” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)

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Converting Units

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Fractions, decimals an
d percentages

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Area, perimeter and volume

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Position and Direction

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Themed projects, consolidation and problem solving.




Mostly integrated through the theme of Changing world

Autumn 1:
Evolution and inheritance- changes in animals over time, adaptations to environments,changes to human skeleton. 

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Living things - describe how living things including microorganisms are classified according to characteristics and similarities and differences.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Women in History

Taught discretely:

Spring 1:
Light - how it travels,sources and shadows.

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Electricity - effects of voltage, drawing circuits using symbols

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rivers

Taught discretely: 

Summer 1 & 2:
Animals and humans - human circulation, importance of diet and exercise and drug awareness.

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Autumn 1:
Beliefs and Practices - What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God? 5 Pillars, Prayer, Charity, Fasting, Hajj Pilgrimage
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Autumn 2:
The Christmas Story - Was Jesus the Messiah? (Digging Deeper) Old Testament, Jesus as Messiah, Jesus as Prince of Peace

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Spring 1:
Belief and Meaning - Is anything ever eternal? Jesus' teachings and Parables, Lost Son, 10 Lepers, 2 Great Commandments, Agape, Heaven, Love
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Spring 2:
The Easter Story - What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? Salvation, New Testament, Isaiah 53, John 19 and the key concepts of Messiah, Sacrifice and Salvation, Jesus as a sacrifice, Different Christian interpretations of Jesus' death

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Summer 1:
Beliefs and Moral Values - Does belief in Akhira (life after death) help Muslims to lead a good life? (Part 1)
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Summer 2:
Beliefs and Moral Values - Does belief in Akhira (life after death) help Muslims to lead a good life? (Part 2) Actions / Consequences, Greater Jihad, Military Jihad, Qur'an, Lesser Jihad/Holy War

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Changing World     

Autumn 1 & 2:
Themes in British History and Key events of the past. (How WWII changed the world.)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Women in History

Spring 1 & 2:
Themes in British History (Romans, Anglo Saxons, Vikings, Tudors, Stewarts, Victorians compared to more modern history)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rivers                 

Spring 1 & 2:
Key events of the past. (How were rivers used in the past for transport, leisure and trade?)

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Mostly integrated through theme of   Changing World

Autumn 1 & 2:
Describe how locations around the world are changing and explain some of the reasons for change 

Describe how countries and geographical regions are interconnected and interdependent (trade links, the distribution of natural materials) using human and physical geographical language.


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Mostly integrated through theme of Women in History

Spring 1 & 2:
Identify countries/regions related to historical times studied on a map.  Describe how countries and geographical regions are interconnected and interdependent.

Describe how locations around the world are changing and explain some of the reasons for change.



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Mostly integrated through theme of Rivers

Summer 1 & 2:
Physical geography - rivers, mountains.

Locate rivers studied on a map and describe main features of the locations.  How do the physical features affect the human activity there?

Use fieldwork sampling to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area (Henley).

Knowledge organisers coming soon!


Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 1:
Being me in my world
- Identifying goals for the year
- Global citizenship
- Children’s universal rights
- Feeling welcome and valued
- Choices, consequences and
- Group dynamics
- Democracy, having a voice
- Anti-social behaviour
- Role-modelling

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Please click here for Key Vocab

Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 2:
Celebrating Differences               
- Perceptions of normality
- Understanding disability
- Power struggles
- Understanding bullying
- Inclusion/exclusion
- Differences as conflict, difference as celebration
- Empathy

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 1:
Dreams and Goals
- Personal learning goals, in and out of school
- Success criteria
- Emotions in success
- Making a difference in the world
- Motivation
- Recognising achievements
- Compliments

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 2:
Healthy Me
- Taking personal responsibility
- How substances affect the body
- Exploitation, including ‘county
lines’ and gang culture
- Emotional and mental health
- Managing stress

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 1:
- Mental health
- Identifying mental health worries and
sources of support
- Love and loss
- Managing feelings
- Power and control
- Assertiveness
- Technology safety
- Take responsibility with technology

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 2:
Changing Me
- Self-image
- Body image
- Puberty and feelings
- Conception to birth
- Reflections about change
- Physical attraction
- Respect and consent
- Boyfriends / girlfriends
- Sexting
- Transition to secondary school

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Autumn 1 & 2:
Personal and social cogs


Take part in Gymnastics Activities.

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Take part in Athletics Activities - Indoor Athletics - sprinting, hurdles, running, jumping

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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Games: rugby, volleyball.

Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Spring 1 & 2:
Cognitive and creative cogs

Taking part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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Games: netball, football, hockey, basketball

Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Summer 1 & 2:
Applying physical skills and health and fitness cogs.

Taking part in Athletics activities - throwing, analysing technique and competing with other, keeping track of personal best.

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Play competitive games and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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Performing Dances - Country Dancing / maypole

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Taking part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities
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Games: tennis, rounders, cricket


Taught discretely

Autumn 1:
To understand how networks are set up and used

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Autumn 2:
To create a game with a focus on conditions

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Taught discretely

Spring 1:
To create a Maths quiz which uses more complicated reporter operations in Scratch.

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Mostly integrated through the theme of Women in History

Spring 2:
To choose the appropriate application in order to design and publish a piece of work safely online.

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Taught discretely

Summer 2:
To select the appropriate applications in order to design and create the necessary resources, in a professional manner, for Dragon's Den.

Knowledge organiser coming soon!


Mostly integrated through the theme of Changing World
Autumn 1& 2:

• Mix textures (rough and smooth, plain and patterned).
• Combine visual and tactile qualities.
• Use ceramic mosaic materials and techniques
 (Artist Focus – Environmental artists:
Marina DeBris, Agnes Denes, Edith Meusnier, Andy Goldsworthy, Red Earth Environmental Art Group)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Woman in History
Spring 1 & 2:

Digital Media: 
Enhance digital media by editing (including sound, video, animation, still images and installations).
(Create Macbeth front cover. Interview Macbeth using green screen. Taught alongside English lessons)

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• Sketch (lightly) before painting to combine line and colour.
• Create a colour palette based upon colours observed in the natural or built world.
• Use the qualities of watercolour and acrylic paints to create visually interesting pieces.
• Combine colours, tones and tints to enhance the mood of a piece.
• Use brush techniques and the qualities of paint to create texture.
• Develop a personal style of painting, drawing upon ideas from other artists.
(Use of watercolours to sketch and paint river scenes)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rivers
Summer 1 & 2:

• Build up layers of colours.
• Create an accurate pattern, showing fine detail.
• Use a range of visual elements to reflect the purpose of the work.
(Inspired by environmental issues, children choose colours and materials to create an art piece)


Mostly integrated through the theme of  Changing World

Autumn 1 & 2:


Develop a range of practical skills to create products (such as cutting, drilling and screwing, nailing, gluing, filing and sanding).

(Homes of the Past)


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Taught discretely:
Child led D &T with Dragons Den

Mostly integrated through the theme of Woman in History

Spring 1 & 2:


Mostly integrated through the theme of Rivers

Summer 1:

• Cut materials with precision and refine the finish with appropriate tools (such as sanding wood after cutting or a more precise scissor cut after roughly cutting out a shape).

• Show an understanding of the qualities of materials to choose appropriate tools to cut and shape (such as the nature of fabric may require sharper scissors than would be used to cut paper).


• Create circuits using electronics kits that employ a number of components (such as LEDs, resistors, transistors and chips).

(Making Electric Boats)


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Summer 2:
Food Tech

• Understand the importance of correct storage and handling of ingredients (using knowledge of micro-organisms).
• Measure accurately and calculate ratios of ingredients to scale up or down from a recipe.
• Demonstrate a range of baking and cooking techniques.
• Create and refine recipes, including ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.
(River side picnic)


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Taught discretely:
Child led D&T with Dragons Den


Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Changing World

Autumn 1:
Developing Melodic Phrases

How does music bring us together?


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Autumn 2:

Understanding Structure & Form

How does music connect us with our past?

Alongside Autumn 2:
Christmas Nativity – Singing


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Women in History

Spring 1:

Gaining confidence Through Performance

How does music improve our world?


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Spring 2:
Exploring Notation Further

How does music teach us about our community?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Rivers

Summer 1:
Using Chords & Structure

How does music shape our way of life?


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Summer 2:
Respecting Each Other through Composition

How does music connect us with the environment? 


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Autumn 1

Lesson 1 — I'm Looking for the Pirate 

Lesson 2 — Actions

Lesson 3 — In the Cupboard

Lesson 4 — More Actions

Lesson 5 — Treasure Hunt

Lesson 6 — A Treasure Hunt 

Autumn 2

Lesson 1 — On the Bridge of Avignon 

Lesson 2 — Where in France?

Lesson 3 — In Paris

Lesson 4 — They speak French

Lesson 5 — French Food

Lesson 6 — Croque-Monsieur 

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Spring 1

Lesson 1 — My Family

Lesson 2 — Describe Your Family

Lesson 3 — Household Tasks

Lesson 4 — A Family Weekend

Lesson 5 — My Birthday Party

Lesson 6 — Cinderella 

Spring 2

Lesson 1 — What Would You Like to Do?

Lesson 2 — Would You like... ? 

Lesson 3 — Sleepover

Lesson 4 — The Midnight Feast

Lesson 5 — Are You Going to Go to the Cinema?

Lesson 6 — The Sleepover


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Summer 1

Lesson 1 — I'm Going... 

Lesson 2 — This Weekend

Lesson 3 — Tomorrow

Lesson 4 — Comparisons

Lesson 5 — I am...

Lesson 6 — The Three Billy Goats Gruff 

Summer 2

Lesson 1 — I Want to be an Astronaut 

Lesson 2 — Jobs

Lesson 3 — Workplaces

Lesson 4 — The Space Station

Lesson 5 — At the Fire Station

Lesson 6 — Paul's 'Quiet' Day

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