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P.E with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions below.
Now, watch the video below, and go through the answers with Mrs Fenner!
Guided Reading Answers with Mrs Fenner
Watch the video below.
Now watch Mrs Harrop's video explaining factor pairs in more detail.
Mrs Harrop's video
Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.
Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on sentences.
Click the link below: re-watch the video from yesterday's lesson and re-read the information.
Look at the PowerPoint below and listen to Mrs Fenner's voice recordings on each slide.
Complete the activity explained in the PowerPoint using the template below.
*Send this work on Teams as this is your Wednesday assignment.*
Mental Maths
Complete today's Century Tech nugget.
Below is the Geography PowerPoint. On each page there is a sound button. Please listen to Mrs Norman's voice as you go through the PowerPoint.