Monday 11.01.2021
Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
Spend 30 mins on TT Rockstars this morning!
See if you can improve your speed and challenge your friends!
We'll be checking your scores so try your best
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Your guided reading task this week will be set on 'One Note' under 11.01.2021. You will be given a passage to read and questions to answer based on the text.
B.O.L.E 10:00-11:00
This is our BOLE slot! Your challenge today is to search for signs of Winter!
You could do this in your garden,looking out your window, or on your daily walk!
Can you see any signs of frost? Winter animals? Bare trees?
Handwriting Session 11:00-11:20
Please watch the demonstration video with Miss Watton and try your best to improve your handwriting!
Handwriting "Aa"

Maths 11:35-12:20
Please watch this taught White Rose Lesson.
This powerpoint might also help you!
Next choose a worksheet to complete 

English 13:00-14:00
Today, I want you to read a story called 'The Old Mill'. Think about the mood of the story (how does it make you feel?). I have attached a copy of the story here and a copy in your 'content library' in Classroom Notebook so that you can listen to me reading the story to you if you would prefer this.
Once you have read the story, I want you to story map the first two paragraphs using pictures like you have done before. This will help you learn the story off by heart and help you with writing your own story in the coming weeks.
Here is an example of a story map for a different story to remind you what one looks like.
2pm Teams
Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session.
RE 2:30-3:10
Please work through the powerpoint to explore our new topic of Sikhism!
There are audio clips from Miss Watton to explain the activities in the powerpoint
Collective Worship Thought of the Day
One of our key Christian values this week is Humility.
Being humble is similar to being modest.
Why do you think being humble is important?
Can you think of a time or situation where you showed humility?