Logon to Teams at 9am to hear your instructions for the day.
Start the day doing something active.
Fine Motor Skills
Complete pages 7 and 8 of the pencil control booklet.
Please continue writing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and add it to the Onenote page.
Start with your speed sounds using your booklets, flash cards or a video on the link below.
In the Sun
Try writing some words with the a-e sound.
Can you write some sentences with the words?
Tom Thumb
Have you ever lost anything precious? How did you feel?
You are going to write a poster to help find Tom Thumb.
Use the writing frame to help you. I suggest that you use this as a guide and that you don't write directly on the sheet.
How well have you understood addition and subtraction? Try the questions below to find out.
Want a little extra?
Mental Maths
Choose adding or subtracting to 10 or 20 or number bonds.
Go through the PowerPoint and then collaborate with someone in your household to complete the task.
Please listen to Mrs Bagshaw read The Great Cheese Factory
Collective Worship
Please enjoy and join in with today's hymn Lord of the Dance
Reflection: Look at the picture. What is happening? What do the people think about Jesus? How do you know?