NOTE - Today, we would like you to take a photo of your Maths, when you have completed it, and upload it to Teams.
9am Teams
Please log in to Teams for our daily welcome
Mental Maths
We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.
The Game is On!
This week, there's a TT Rockstars Battle between 5TA (Totally Awesome!) and 5JS (Jolly Smart!). May the best team win!
Century Tech
Please complete today's nugget titled "1st Feb - English".
The handwriting is to be completed at a convenient time during the day.
Read, Write , Inc spellings

Whenever you have some time available today, watch the video and write down some of the words ready for the activities this week.
Guided reading
Guided reading explanation.mp4

Abstract Nouns.m4v

Please watch the video and pause to try the tasks.
First, watch video 1 which will give you some tips for tackling today's Maths.
Then, watch video 2 which is from White Rose Maths.
Video 1

Video 2

Watch this taught lesson on multiplying by 10.
Now after watching the video complete the sheet.
If you found today's Maths easy, try one of these extension activities.
Please watch Video 1 and Video 2, then complete the task below titled "Dharma Task - Template".
If you would like to look at the example from Video 2 - click on the document called "Dharma Task - Example"
If you would like to look at the slides from Video 1, you can see these in the file "Dharma Slides".
Video 1

Video 2

Collective worship