Wb 20.07.20 Well done!
Miss Ridnell and Miss Tissot
Goodbye from Miss Tissot and Miss Ridnell

Reading Challenge!
There are a range of writing tasks available on the webpage for you to complete this week.
You need to either complete one small task per day or one larger piece over 3 days.
You may also download these resources to use over the Summer Holidays to continue to develop your writing skills.
Longer Tasks |
Literacy Shed Download one of the writing units based around the videos under the free resources |
Teacher Thank you letter Write a letter to your teacher thanking them for their hard work. |
Year 2 Summer English Activities You can carry on with this throughout your summer holidays. |
Any of the Pie Corbett story activities
Secret Lives of Teachers What do you think your teachers get up to? Complete the activities. |
Non Screen activities to do at home. Spread Kindness Around the World KS1 Summer Activities Summer Bucket List
Whilst you complete these activities write a diary of what you have achieved. |
Shorter Tasks |
End of Year Reflection Cards Download the cards and choose one a day to write about. |
Grammar and Writing Games Use Pie Corbett’s collection of writing and grammar games once a day. |
English Challenge Cards Complete at least one challenge a day. |
A-Z Writing Frame Come up with one word per letter in the alphabet. A – Awesome school dinners F – Florence Nightingale |
All About Me Complete an all about me selfie sheet. |
Longer Tasks
Shorter Tasks
Afternoon Activities
Science! Design a sun safety Poster!
R.E. This is our school prayer. Why is it important to you? You may wish to record yourself and upload it onto Showbie
Dear Lord, we thank you for our close community here at Binfield School.
Bless us with kindness, friendship and fairness in all that we do.
Help us to act with integrity by making the right choices and to be true to ourselves, each other and the world.
Give us kind hearts to include the people who are lonely and the strength and understanding to collaborate with all of those around us.
Guide us to use our talents to be creative in all that we do, so that our community can grow and learn together.
Miss Tissot models how to answer the R.E. for this week

Summer Resources
Here are booklets, web links and other resources to support your children's learning over the summer should you wish to use them.