Welcome video

Welcome Video

Year 1 Timetable wb 04.01.21
RWI Phonics
- Each day read all the sounds (see list below – you should also have sheets, booklets or flash cards in your book bag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yln6PpV1G1I they are also here).
- Print out the Speedy Green Words and Storybook words. Try reading at least 10 a day.
- Read the Red Words everyday.
- Read one of your reading books, a book from home, or an online book. http://tiny.cc/d310tz
Follow the link to revise set 3 sounds. Scroll down to find video of Mrs Evans teaching the sound 'tion'
RWI sounds - Stage 3 | Binfield Church of England Primary School (secure-primarysite.net)