Join our teams call at 9.00 where Mr Johnson will say hello and tell you a bit about today's challenges. Remember this is optional, so don't worry if you have other commitments!
We are going to start each day with a bit of exercise to get our bodies moving!
Watch this video and join in with the challenge!
Watch the next video lesson from White Rose - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/alive-in-5-week-1/
You may want to get some objects/counters and some pots/cups ready so you can join in with the activities.
Grown ups – You can find the scheme overviews, and additional activities and linked books that will reinforce the lesson content, in the following link (https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Reception-Scheme-Phase-4-Spring-2021-1.pdf)
Time for a bit of a break and maybe a snack! Make sure you are really helpful and you tidy up all your things when you have finished!
Read Write Inc
Watch these videos and try to read the words
Have another quick talk with your grown up or watch Mrs Bowles video on yesterday’s page about a country she has been to. See if you can draw some pictures and write some words to share some of the information about that country. You can get a grown up to write some of the tricky words but challenge yourself to spell some words yourself! Upload a picture of your work today to your notebook on teams, we will do this every day this week so we can learn about lots of different countries.
There are loads of videos on youtube, so you could search for any country that you would like to learn about. Here is a video about the Maori people in New Zealand.
Time for lunch! You could help cook your lunch or get things ready if your grownup thinks you can do it safely. After you have eaten, see if you can tidy all your things away just like you do at school!
Then have some time to relax, ask your grownups what will fit in with your family life!
2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!
Fine Motor Skills
Discuss with a grownup how to hold scissors correctly. Complete the cut and stick elephant activity below with a correct scissor technique!
Here is a video with some famous landmarks in England. See if you can build your own using things from around your house. It could be junk modelling, Lego, pots and pans or anything you can find!
Mrs Bowles introduction!

Mrs Bowles' English Castle

Collective Worship
School Prayer with Mrs Mistry

Story Time
Dinosaur Roar! - Mrs Evans

Play doh recipe
We will be doing a 'dough disco' activity next Wednesday, so I hope this is enough advance warning! You dont need to buy any actual playdoh as you can make your own. Here is a recipe from white rose. You can add glitter, food colouring or any scent to make your playdoh uniique!
Alternatively if you happen to have Cream of Tartar in your cooking/baking supplies, this makes home-made playdoh much better! You should be able to find a recipe with a quick google but please let me know if you would like one!