Join our teams call at 9.00 where Mr Johnson will say hello and tell you a bit about today's challenges. Remember this is optional, so don't worry if you have other commitments!
We are going to start each day with a bit of exercise to get our bodies moving!
Watch this video and join in with the challenge!
Mr Gooch - Throwing challenge!

Watch the next video lesson from White Rose -
You may want to get some objects/counters and some pots/cups ready so you can join in with the activities.
Grown ups – You can find the scheme overviews, and additional activities and linked books that will reinforce the lesson content, in the following link (
Time for a bit of a break and maybe a snack! Make sure you are really helpful and you tidy up all your things when you have finished!
Read Write Inc
Watch the Video of Mrs Evans teaching you how to play the game ‘jump in’. If a grown up has a few minutes, play this game together with one of your books or an online ebook (check out oxford owls -
How to play Jump in!

Today, have a look at the recipes from around the world on cbeebies world kitchen - It could be any recipe from anywhere in the world but it would be amazing to attach some pictures to your assignment document! Otherwise, just like the other days you can draw some pictures and write some things that you found out!
Time for lunch! You could help cook your lunch or get things ready if your grownup thinks you can do it safely. After you have eaten, see if you can tidy all your things away just like you do at school!
Then have some time to relax, ask your grownups what will fit in with your family life!
2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!
Fine Motor Skills
Watch the video of how we form our letters at school. While it is playing, use your finger to ‘write’ the letter on different surfaces in the way shown. You could do it on any surface at your home. Tell a grown up which surface feels best to write on. (Grown ups – I'm not completely crazy! The feel of different textures when forming these letters are good to reinforce the formation of the letter, we do it at school on the carpet, in sand, in mud etc.)
Watch the video of Mrs Gogarty showing you an experiment. Ask a grown up to help you have a go at home with things around your home!
You could record what floats and what sinks in a simple table on a bit of paper, or you could put them into two piles to sort them.
Sinking and Floating - Mrs Gogarty

Collective Worship
Make a heart out of materials you can find, either inside or outside. Place inside the heart items which could represent people and communities that you would like to pray for.
Story Time
3 little pigs - Mrs Bowles