Monday 11th
Good Morning!
Please log on to Teams at 9am and join us for our morning 'Hello!'
Log on and join in with Joe Wicks this morning to get your body and your brain going!
Log onto Century Tech and complete the assignment named 'Y6 SPaG 11.1.21'
Log onto the Oak National Academy lesson below and follow the taught lesson.
Then, click the link for the practice sheet and you will be able to fill in the answers.
Make sure you log onto TT Rock Stars as well!
If you need something a little harder, try the sheet below:
Watch Mrs. Mistry's video below about scanning.
Then complete the questions about 'The Humble Potato'.
Mrs. Mistry explains the technique of scanning when you are answering comprehension questions.
The Humble Potato
Log onto Teams and check out your assignment for this week: Dracula's Whitby.
What do you already know about Dracula? Jot some notes down about what you already know.
Complete a circle map of the things you know and where you know them from and send it via Teams.
If this is difficult to complete on a circle map, just write a list for us.
If you have time, feel free to draw a picture of what you think Dracula looks like and label it with adjectives.
Check out the list below. Practise them every day using 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check'.
If it helps draw your attention to the difficult parts of a word, colour them in, circle them, draw arrows to them (anything to help you remember!)
Click on the link below to take you to Oak National Academy's taught lesson on Community (something that is more important now, than ever!)
Good afternoon!
Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.
Collective Worship:
Watch the video below and read through the Bible reading.
What themes or messages can you take from these?
Complete a reflection sheet for our Worship books.