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P.E with Joe Wicks
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions on the 'Home Alone' sheet.
Please practise your spellings for this week.
Wb 11th January |
mouth |
bathroom |
brother |
swimmer |
drummer |
flipper |
Now after watching the video complete the sheet
This week we are learning about the author Julia Donaldson! Today we would like you to explore the key features of her stories.
First we would like you to listen to the Monkey Puzzle story.
Have a look at the Julia Donaldson grid. Read the features that Miss Tissot noticed in the Monkey Puzzle story.
Now please listen to two other stories by Julia Donaldson below. If you have two other books by her at home, you may wish to use those instead. What features can you find? Use the grid to fill out the features that you found like Miss Tissot did for Monkey Puzzle using the two books or stories that you have chosen.
Mental Maths
Please look at your locations map. This map shows all the places the Queen lives when she is travelling around the UK. Choose one residence to investigate. Click on the link to find out 5 facts about that residence and copy them onto the locations map sheet.
Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship. If you are unable to join us please listen to the prayer below.
Collective Worship
Binfield Primary School Prayer
Watch the video below.
Can you join in with our school prayer?
Can you join in with our school prayer?
Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words.