9.00 If you are available, join our teams call to say 'hello' and hear about some of today's activities!
Today, join in with a 'PE with Joe' exercise class. They start at the same time as our class meeting, so you can rewind and watch from the start. Here is a link to Joe Wicks' channel -
Here is the link to this week’s White Rose Maths videos - Today is session 5.
This week you might need a bucket or bag for hiding objects and a few small items/counters.
Time for a bit of a break and maybe a snack! Make sure you are really helpful and you tidy up all your things when you have finished!
Have a go at another of Mrs Evans' matching games!
Which countries would you like to visit or live in?

Time for lunch! You could help cook your lunch or get things ready if your grown up thinks you can do it safely. After you have eaten, see if you can tidy all your things away just like you do at school!
Then have some time to relax, ask your grown ups what will fit in with your family life!
2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!
Fine Motor Skills
Buttons and Paper activity - Mrs Evans

Music from around the world

Happy Friday afternoon!
Here are some videos of music from different parts of the world. Lots of them sound very different!
Listen to these songs and dance along if you want to! When you are listening, tell a grownup what you think about the music. How does it makes you feel? Does it sound the same or different to music you normally listen to?
Boubacar Traore from Mali -
Batzorig from Mongolia -
Sinn Sisamouth from Cambodia -
Etta James from America -
Orchestra Baobab from Senegal -
Collective Worship
Reflect on this week,
Think of something that you have really enjoyed this week. It could be an activity, seeing your friends on this teams call or even having a cuddle with mummy or daddy.
Dear God,
Thank you for another week full of memories with our loved ones. Thank you for keeping us safe, we pray for others all around the world. We pray for hope, kindness, love and safety.
Story Time
How Elephants Lost Their Wings - Mrs Bowles