Wb 15.06.20 Rainbow Fish
Welcome from Miss Ridnell and Miss Tissot
Welcome from Miss Ridnell and Miss Tissot

Fine Motor Skills

Grammar - Suffixes
Miss Tissot introduces you to suffixes!

Before you watch the video...
Make a prediction! Please type of record a voice note prediction onto Showbie.
I think that...
I predict...
The main character will be ... because ...
The story will be set .... I know this because...
An example of a Rainbow Fish Story Map
Please cut out the pictures and put them in order or discuss the order of the story with your family.
The Rainbow Fish

Listen as Miss Tissot reads the story of the Rainbow Fish.
Miss Tissot shows you how to retell the story.

Writing Resources
Examples of Children's Work

Afternoon Activities
Fish in Coral Reef

Shallow Water

Flat Fish in Sand