Tuesday 12th
Join in with Joe this morning to get you started!
Log on to Century Tech and complete your assignment for today: 'Y6 SPaG 12.1.21'
Make sure you are going back if you score less than 75%...
And watch those videos carefully!
Log onto the Oak National Academy's taught lesson on finding non-unit fractions of an amount below.
Then have a go at either the PADDLING or SNORKELLING & DIVING tasks from below.
Don't forget to have a good twenty minutes on TTRock Stars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/login/42310
Read the extract from 'Over the Line' by Tom Palmer and make notes. This is a bit like text marking: write down any questions you have about the text, anything it reminds you of, or any links you have made.
Watch the video of Mrs. MacKrell explaining what to do on the class page for today and then watch the clip itself and answer the questions below (type them into Teams):
What happens?
How does the maker of this create tension?
Write a list of how tension is created:
Make a list (on Teams) of the different sections and add notes (not full sentences) to each part with adjectives, personification and anything else that would help you describe the (non-existent) action and keep your reader on the edge of their seat.
If you would like more details, there is also a blog 'Creating tension blog' about creating tension.
i.e. Section 1: crooked path; wind whistling around my legs; ominous clouds jostled for position; lightning forked its way to the ground, illuminating the austere construction on the top of the hill; watching me approach; crunch of pebbles; debris skidding over the steep edge, reminding me of the dangers; lanterns swung erratically from the rotten fence posts; neglected grasses waved and whispered in the biting breeze.
Tuesday writing - Dracula's Whitby sections

Creating tension blog
Use the document to practise your spelling words for this week. Don't forget to 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check'.
Watch the video about defining 'eternity'.
Complete the document using synonyms from http://www.thesaurus.com and definitions from http://www.dictionary.com
Defining eternity

Mr. Gooch's challenge
KS2 circuit (3).mp4

Collective Worship:
Think back to yesterday's Bible reading from Luke 3: 1-6 (take another look if you've forgotten...)
Use that and your reflection slip to help you answer the following questions:
What do we need to forgive people for?
How easy is it to forgive?
Is it easier to forgive some things than it is to forgive others?
Is it easier to forgive some people than it is others?