Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
TT Rockstars - challenge your friends or try and beat your own scores.
We are checking your scores. Your target is to reach at least 20mins a day!
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Today I would like you to watch this video and self assess your answers on your teams assignment! Please watch really carefully to ensure you mark accurately!
Good luck
Harriet's Hare Answers.mp4
English 10:00-10.50
First, work through the powerpoint with audio notes from Miss Watton Please pause at the correct point to watch the video!
As a reminder, this is a TWO WEEK project- so it is really important that you try to complete this weeks learning, so you are ready for our return to school next week.
Labelling A Cinquain-1.m4v
Handwriting 10.50 - 11.20
Following on from last week's work practicing the letter x, please complete the following worksheet.
Maths 11:35-12:20
RE 13.10 - 14.00
2pm Teams
We hope to see you for a round up of the day. There will also be a chance to share any work you have completed.
Century Tech 14.30 - 14.50
Make sure you complete all set assignments. It is important that you watch all the videos which go with the nuggets as they will help you to achieve a higher score.
Please try to complete your diagnostics! See the video below.
Century Tech Diagnostics.mp4
Reading Time 14.50 - 15.10
We received loads of new books this week! Miss Watton has filmed one just for you! You can listen to this story or read your own.
The Boy and the Jaguar (Compressed).m4v
Collective Worship
If we were in school, we would discuss this story and think about things we can learn about it from our own lives. Instead, please talk to a grown up at home….
- At playtime, you notice someone sat alone with no one wanting to play with them. What would you do? How can you show kindness?