Reading Comprehension
Monday - to box up a recycled set of instructions In this lesson, we will box up a recycled set of instructions, showing the overall structure and the purpose of each section.
Tuesday - To write a set of instructions In this lesson, we will write the first part of our recycled set of instructions. We will use our boxed up plan to tell our instructions. Then we will use adjectives to describe magic objects in our opening.
Wednesday - To write a set of instructions In this lesson, we will write the main part of our recycled set of instructions. We will make a list of what is needed and begin to use imperatives in each step.
Thursday - To write a set of instructions In this lesson, we will continue to write the main part of our recycled set of instructions. We will write the 'what to do' section using time words, imperatives and adverbs.
Friday - To write and perform a set of instructions In this lesson, we will finish writing our instructions and perform them in role.
Monday - Make the same amount
Tuesday - Compare money
Wednesday - Find the total
Thursday - Find the difference
Friday - Find change
Afternoon Activities
PSHCE - Team Player In today's lesson, we will consider how it feels to belong to a group. We will explore those feelings and think about experiences that have made us feel secure and content. The children will then create a job advert listing the qualities needed to be a team member.
P.E. Challenge
Why is the manger so important? In this lesson we will be learning about where Jesus was born. We will be looking at the importance of the manger and what it represents in Christianity. We will also be reading some extracts from a bible.
Please click on the videos below to watch the children of Binfield Primary perform their Nativities.