NOTE - Today, we would like you to complete your Guided Reading on Teams. You can find the text and an audio file for each day on this website. Please complete the activity by accessing Teams and selecting the assignment named " 22.2.21 Guided Reading".
Mental Maths
We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.
Century Tech
Please follow your learning pathway and select a SPaG nugget to complete.
If you would like further help with how to do this, watch the video here:
The handwriting is to be completed at a convenient time during the day.
Watch the Read, Write, inc Spellings video which introduces Unit 4 words.
Write the rules down and practise the spellings by asking someone at home if they can test you.
Write the rules down and practise the spellings by asking someone at home if they can test you.
Guided Reading
Read chapter 10 of Skellig (you may listen and read-along if you like) and answer the questions for Monday on Teams.
Skellig chapter 10 read out-loud
Watch the videos below which contain instructions on how to complete today's tasks.
Video 1
Video 2
Monday- Missing Lengths.m4v
Watch the video above about finding the perimeter of compound shapes with missing lengths. Have a go with the tasks then the activity sheets below.
Once you have completed the main task above, choose your level of challenge from the extension tasks below.
Lesson 1.m4v
Watch the video above which explains the tasks.
Read the information below to help you complete the 'Responsibility Pie'.
The pie is in the middle and the boxes where you need to explain are around the outside. Remember to read the Bible extracts to gather ideas on who should take responsibility for Jesus' death.