wb 29.11.211
Monday - To listen to instructions and answer questions In this lesson, we will learn how to defeat the fire giants by listening to a set of instructions! We will then map out those instructions and answer questions to check we have understood them.
Tuesday - To tell a set of instructions from memory In this lesson, we will use stepping and speaking to memorise our instructions which explain how to defeat the fire giants.
Wednesday - To use imperative verbs In this lesson, we will learn what an imperative verb is, practise using them and then identify them in sentences.
Thursday - To use subordinating clauses In this lesson, we will learn about how to use 'when' and 'if' in our instructions and identify a subordinating conjunction. We will then write our own instructions using 'when' and 'if'.
Friday - To summarise key points In this lesson, we will learn all about defeating the frost giants! We will read a set of instructions and then summarise them in different ways.
Monday - Recognising coins and notes
Tuesday - Count money - pence
Wednesday - Count money - pounds
Thursday - Count money - notes and coins
Friday - Select money
Reading Comprehension
Afternoon Lessons
What is a Christmas story? In this lesson we will be learning all about the Christmas story. We will be looking at a calendar and identifying when Christmas is and how to read the calendar. Then we will be identifying who celebrates Christmas. Lastly, we will be listening to the Christmas story and sequencing the story by drawing it onto a piece of paper.
P.E. - Mr Gooch's Challenges

Who am I? In this lesson, we will explore a new topic of friendships. We will discuss the qualities of a good friend and also how our actions can impact others. We will then think about acts of kindness that we can do for others.
Science - What materials are waterproof?
There are many types of materials, but only some are waterproof.Join Dr Brain and his team of scientists as they test four everyday materials. Can you do the same experiment at home?
Where do we live? In England, which is part of the United Kingdom. Watch the video below and use it to fill in the worksheet.
Paddling - 1 star
Snorkelling - 2 stars
Diving - 3 stars
The United Kingdom
Watch the video below and label the worksheet with the countries and oceans around the UK