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Thursday 21.01.2021

Morning Task 8:30-9:00am

Spend 30 mins on TT Rockstars this morning!

See if you can improve your speed and challenge your friends!

We'll be checking your scores so try your best laugh

9am Teams

Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day. 

Guided Reading 9:30-10:00


Read the text and answer the questions.

Maths 10:00-11:20

Today you will be continuing your work from yesterday! Here is a reminder in case you need it. 

Please start by working through this powerpoint with audio notes from Miss Watton. 

Your task for today is to finish your own Number Blocks story about making equal groups!

Please watch this video below to help you. laugh

Number Blocks Activity with Miss Watton

Still image for this video

English 11:25-12:20


Today, we are going to edit and improve our work. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the symbols we use when marking your work.


Still image for this video

French 1:10-1:30pm


Listen to the song -Léon le Caméléon!


Léon le caméléon

Once you have listened to the song you need to watch the video which explains your task.

French Task

Still image for this video

Music 1:30-2:00pm


Work through the activities and videos on Oak Academy about understanding notation. 

2pm Teams

Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session. 

Handwriting Session and Reading Time 2:30-3:10

Please watch the demonstration video with Miss Watton and try your best to improve your handwriting!

Handwriting Dd

Still image for this video

Story Time with Miss Watton - Jobs at the Airport!

Still image for this video

Collective Worship Thought of the Day

Following yesterday's reflection, let us pray.


Lord of our words,

Help us always think carefully before we speak so that the things that we say will always be good and helpful. 

Help us also, Lord, to know when it is best to say nothing and just to share silence with those around us. 

In your name

