Join our teams call at 9.00 where Mr Johnson will say hello and tell you a bit about today's challenges. Remember this is optional, so don't worry if you have other commitments!
We are going to start each day with a bit of exercise to get our bodies moving! Watch the video below and join in!

Monday's Maths with Mrs Gogarty

Here is the link to this week’s White Rose Maths resources to go with the video above - Through the link, you can also access the topic overview and download the powerpoint slides for each video.
This weeks useful supporting resources are toys and a toybox!
The stories Six Dinner Sid ( and Kipper's Toybox ( will also help reinforce the themes covered.
Please note that we will be continuing the White Rose scheme after half term, so please don't be tempted to jump ahead and complete week 3 of this theme over half term as that is what will be set on our first week 'back'. (I am updating the website on 21/1 so we may even be actually back by then, who knows!)
Time for a bit of a break and maybe a snack! Make sure you are really helpful and you tidy up all your things when you have finished!
How many 'ch' words can you think of?

Chinese New Year - What things did you find out?

Here is a video of our Chinese New Year parade at school last year.
It's sad that we cant do a parade at school this year, but at the end of this week you can do a parade around your home with all the crafts you have made this week!
Time for lunch! You could help cook your lunch or get things ready if your grown up thinks you can do it safely. After you have eaten, see if you can tidy all your things away just like you do at school!
Then have some time to relax, ask your grown ups what will fit in with your family life!
2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!
Fine Motor Skills
I know we have done this once before, but as money is an important tradition of Chinese new year it seemes appropriate to do it again!
Using coins to practice your fine motor skills

Make a dragon with Mrs Bowles!

Collective Worship
Story Time
How to catch a star - Mrs Evans