Supporting Maths
Should you wish to further support your child at home here are some activities to help with their fluency and reasoning skills in Maths.
Past SATS Papers
There are a range of papers available to use to support children's learning. In school we use papers from 2015 to assess children throughout the year. The papers available on this website are to support home learning and allow you to practise Arithmetic and Reasoning questions. If you wish, you may use these booklets instead of your child's reading book occasionally. Before 2015, there were two levels of entry, Level 2 and 3. This was before the National Curriculum changed it's levels. Please use these booklets to support your child's learning rather than assess them at home. Whilst these booklets no longer reflect levels used in school, they do help to develop fluency in number and help the children to familirise themselves with a more formal layout.
Maths Mats
These are quick challenges for your child to complete in 5 minutes or less.
TT Rockstars
TT Rockstars is an interactive website that your child can log in to and practise their timestables.
Class Website
On our weekly page we upload the lessons from White Rose Maths. This is the scheme that we follow in school. We do not teach from the videos in school but they could be used to recap what your child has learned in class and to practise these skills using the worksheets.
Practise Papers
Below are a range of papers that are designed to help your child with their fluency and reasoning skills. These are not printed by any exam boards, merely example texts to support your child at home.
Maths Minutes
Your child should be bringing home Maths Minute sheets on a weekly basis. Please go through these with your child to secure their understanding of multiplication. This will also help them with their TT Rockstars.
Ready to Progress
We have also included 'Ready to Progress' papers. If you have found that your child have found a particular aspect of Maths challenging, you can use these papers to revise that particular skill.