Please login to Teams for our daily welcome
P.E. with Joe Wicks
Please click the link to start your day on an active note
Reading Comprehension
Please read the text and answer questions below. Can you read this in 90 seconds or less? Ask an adult to help time you.
Please practise your weekly spellings
Wb 11th January |
mouth |
bathroom |
brother |
swimmer |
drummer |
flipper |
Please watch this taught lesson about making doubles.
Now you have watched the video please complete the sheet
Yesterday you performed the Gruffalo poem. It had a lot of rhyming words in it! Today we are exploring rhyming words. Please click on the link below to start the lesson with a rhyming word game.
After you have played the game, use the sheet to match rhyming words. You may wish to print it and cut up the words and match them with words that rhyme. You could also look at the words on the screen and write down the rhyming words. Use these pairs to write rhyming couplets using OneNote for the second part of your assignment.
Mental Maths
Please click on the link below and login to TTRockstars for at least 15 minutes to practise your mental maths.
PSHCE - Healthy Me
Today we are learning about being healthy. Jigsaw Jo is finding it hard to make healthy choices. How can you help her? Fill out the worksheet with your answers.
Please login Teams for our feedback and collective worship session. If you are unable to attend please watch the video clip below and answer the question:
Who is Jesus to you?
Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words.
Listen to another Julia Donaldson story, Stickman