School and Community
At Binfield we strongly value the need to make links within and beyond our local community.
Resources donated by Binfield Environment Group
The group very kindly made and then donated a new bird box to our school which will be painted by our Eco Council members and then placed in our BOLE ready for Spring. Photos to follow!
Resource Assistance during School Closure for Covid 19
After the governments’ announcement of the school closure due to Covid 19, Krome Technologies Ltd in Chertsey made contact with us to arrange a donation of laptops.
This kind donation was greatly appreciated by us as these resources allowed more pupils to continue with their home learning during the closure.
Spring Seed Planting
In February, volunteers from the Binfield Gardening Club kindly helped all of the children get their hands dirty whilst planting a Nasturtium seed. After weeks of care and nurture at home, the results will be judged in July.
We would like to say a big thank you to Louise and Keir Lusby, Pauline Watts, Nonnie Bates, Liz Lewis, David Ireland, Roland Thomas and Hilary Johns for giving up their time.
Tree planting
In February, with help from visitors from the Binfield Environment Group and FOBS volunteers, the children planted 50 tree saplings and wild flower seedlings kindly donated by Earth Restoration Service which is sponsored by 3M. We are immensely grateful for this exciting donation!
Binfield has been chosen as one of the schools across the country, due to its proximity to 3M, to become a tree nursery. The children will help to raise the little saplings for 2 years and then some will be planted in places around the local community but many will stay within the school grounds.
Christmas Celebrations at Newbold
Every year the whole school takes a walk, helped by our volunteers, to Newbold for our Christmas celebration. The children provide parents and carers with a wonderful performance of the Nativity story.