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Please login to Teams for our daily welcome 

Mental Maths

We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.

Guided Reading


Century tech assignment SPaG nugget called proofreading.

Read the comments from yesterday's task and edit the notepage like you would in class.


Today, you’re going to learn about what life was like for Jim in the workhouse.

Go onto the websites below to learn about life in the workhouse:

The Victorian Workhouse

The Victorian Poor Law Act made homelessness and unemployment a case for the workhouse. To avoid starvation the poor had to live and work in these haunting b...

Please click on the audio symbol to hear an explanation of the slides.


Answers to yesterday's Maths

Comparison, sum and difference

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Watch this taught lesson on making comparisons using the sum and difference.

Now after watching the video complete the sheet

Explanation on Digimaps.mp4

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2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship. If you are unable to join us please listen to the prayer below. 

Collective Worship

Binfield School Prayer

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Watch the video below.
Can you join in with our school prayer?

Class Text
