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9am Teams Meeting 

Please login to your Teams Welcome Meeting 

P.E. with Joe Wicks

Reading Comprehension 

We are now focusing on fluency and comprehension in our phonics sessions.  Please read and complete the comprehension questions that are in line with your reading stage.

Stage 6 and below   

Stages 7 – 8 

Stages 9 + 


Please practise your spellings for this week 

Wb 25th January







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Please watch this taught lesson and complete the task underneath 

Divide by 2


Please watch this taught lesson on 'The Magic Paintbrush'. 

Click on the link to access taught lessons on the Oak Academy website. 

Mental Maths 

Design Technology 

Welcome to your assignment! We are learning how to make a vehicle this week. Please watch Miss Tissot's video before beginning the task on OneNote. 

Wheeled Vehicles Lesson 1

Still image for this video

2pm Teams Call 

Please join us for the Teams Call this afternoon 

Collective Worship

Please watch the assembly below

Assembly on Candlemas


Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words. 

Story Time 

Listen as another child tries to design their own car! 

If I Built a Car

If you built a car, what could it do?
