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P.E with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Spend 20 minutes reading a book from school or home.
Was your prediction correct?
Do you understand what you have read?
Does it makes sense?
Are you feeling unsure? Confused?
Are you finding it hard to understand why a character has acted in a certain way?
Ask an adult!
If something in the text doesn't make sense to you - it may be a word, a sentence, an action etc. - ask an adult to help you understand.
Write down any questions you ask and the answer(s) you found out.
Watch the video below.
Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.
Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on expanded noun phrases with prepositional phrases.
You are going to be creating the main character for your warning story today!
Click the links below: watch the videos, and read the information.
Before we can start writing our stories, we need to have a really clear picture of our main character.
What do they look like?
What kind of person are they?
Why do they ignore the warning?
Look at my example below.
Have I answered the questions?
What is good about my character description?
What could I do to improve?
Choose an activity to complete below (Paddling, Snorkelling or Diving).
*Send this work on Teams as this is your Thursday assignment.*
(You do not have to send your character's picture.)
Mental Maths
Complete today's Century Tech nugget.
Watch Mr Gooch's PE video below and have a go at his challenge!
Mr Gooch's Challenge!
Have a go at the fitness challenges on the link below.
Watch the video clips to help you if you are unsure.
Can you beat your best score?
Keep practising!
Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.
If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below.
Collective Worship
1. Place your hands facing palms upwards on your knees.
Think about the good things you have received from today, and from the last week.
You may like to thank God for these gifts which he has placed into your hands.
2. Next, place your hands facing palms down on your knees.
Imagine you are dropping things. These might be things which feel heavy, tiring, difficult or awkward to carry them.
Let go of them.
You might like to ask Jesus to take them for you, to share them with you or to free you from them.
3. Finally, turn your hands palms upwards on your knees, ready to receive.
What would you like to receive in the rest of the day, or the days ahead?
Story Time
If you have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' read a chapter or two about his adventures.
If you don't have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' click on the link below to listen to some of the audiobook for the story.