9.00 If you are available, join our teams call to say 'hello' and hear about some of today's activities!
Today, join in with a yoga session! Our theme today is animals around us, so here is a video set in London!
Here is the link to this week’s White Rose Maths videos - Today is session 4.
This week you might need different sized containers to fill and some playdough!
Time for a bit of a break and maybe a snack! Make sure you are really helpful and you tidy up all your things when you have finished!
Fred in Your Head (1.3 words)

Writing/Topic - Animals around us
Today we are thinking about animals we can find in our local community. Watch Mr Johnson's video below and then upload your work to show you have thought about today's challenge. Try and answer some of the questions Mr Johnson asks!
Animals in England

Below is the link to the letter formation 'rhymes' as discussed in our teams call yesterday. You could also watch the specific lesson where a particular sound was introduced. These can be found through the RWI 'star' on our class page. There is also a letter formation guide to support writing.
Time for lunch! You could help cook your lunch or get things ready if your grown up thinks you can do it safely. After you have eaten, see if you can tidy all your things away just like you do at school!
Then have some time to relax, ask your grown ups what will fit in with your family life!
2.00 - If you are able to, join all our teachers and the children in school for a teams call!
Fine Motor Skills
You can use any building resources to complete this activity if you do not have Lego at home!
Make your own Elmer with Mrs Evans

Collective Worship
Imagine you were there when Baby Jesus was brought into the temple. There were crowds of people but you managed to get so close to the front that you could whisper something in Baby Jesus' ear.
Fill in the speech bubble to write down what you would say.
Story Time/ Song Time!
Walking in the Jungle!