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Wednesday 20.01.2021

Morning Task 8:30-9:00am

Spend 30 mins on Century Tech this morning!

Follow your path or have another go at a previous nugget to improve your score!

Try and blow us away with your scores-  we will be checking them!smiley


9am Teams

Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day. 

Guided Reading 9:30-10:00


Read the text and answer the questions.

Maths 10:00-11:20

Yesterday's answers are attached if you would like them. 

Please start by working through this powerpoint with audio notes from Miss Watton. 

Your task for the next two days is to create your own Number Blocks story about making equal groups!

Please watch this video below to help you. laugh


Number Blocks Activity with Miss Watton

Still image for this video

English 11:25-12:20


Watch the video below and then have a go at writing your own introduction on Teams.

English lesson

Still image for this video

PE 13:00-14:00

Watch PE with Joe Wicks or this challenge video with Mr Gooch!

Record your scores and keep practicing!  

Fitness Challenge with Mr Gooch!

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2pm Teams 

Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session. 

Spelling Activity and Independent Reading Time 2:30-3:10pm

Watch this video introducing antonyms and try the silly sentence activity! laugh


Spend the rest of your time reading independently. 

What are antonyms?

Still image for this video

Collective Worship Thought of the Day


I wonder...

Can you always find the words to say what you mean? 

In our reading, Peter did not find the right words to say something sensible when he saw something he did not understand. 

When is it better just to remain silent? 
