Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
TT Rockstars - challenge your friends or try and beat your own scores.
We are checking your scores. Your target is to reach at least 20mins a day!
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00

English 10:00-10.50

Handwriting 10.50 - 11.20
Maths 11:35-12:20
First, watch this true or false challenge with Miss Watton
9.2.2021 True or False.mp4

Next, try work through this powerpoint with audio notes from Miss Watton 

Finally, choose a sheet to complete!
Design and Technology 13.10 - 13.40
Watch the video and pause at the correct points to complete your activities. The resources you need are attached below. The powerpoint used in the video is also below.
NOTE FROM MISS WATTON: I'm really sorry you can't see me playing the sandwich maker game! I was having some technical issues However, I have put the link below for you to explore the game yourself!
Designing Your Sandwich!.mp4

Computing- Safer Internet Day 13:40-14:00 (continue after Teams call if you need to)
Safer Internet Day 2021


2pm Teams
We hope to see you for a round up of the day. There will also be a chance to share any work you have completed.
Century Tech 14.30 - 15:00
Make sure you complete all set assignments. It is important that you watch all the videos which go with the nuggets as they will help you to achieve a higher score.
Reading/Story Time 15:00 - 15.10
Below is another story from Miss Watton
Once you have watched the story, spend some time reading your own book or an Oxford Owl Book online!
Collective Worship
Watch the video clip below which is an animation of Luke 4 1-13. In this clip we see how Jesus had great trust in God despite the devil trying to tempt him. Who do you have great trust in? Why? Share your answer with someone at home.
Story Time! 9.2.2021.mp4