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P.E. with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Spend 20 minutes reading a book from school or home.
While you are reading your book, think about any words or phrases which really stand out to you and catch your attention or imagination.
Keep a record of these words - you might like to try to use them in your writing!
Make a prediction about what will happen next in your book.
Watch the video below.
Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.
Click the link below and complete your TWO Century Tech nuggets for today on questions and statements.
Click the link below: watch the video and read the information.
Look at the PowerPoint below and listen to Mrs Fenner's voice recordings on each slide.
Complete the activity explained in the PowerPoint.
*Send this work on Teams as this is your Tuesday assignment.*
Mental Maths
Complete today's Century Tech nugget.
Re-watch the video below from last week to remind yourself about the life of the Buddha.
Remember, you only need to watch to: 3 minutes, 24 seconds.
Look at the PowerPoint below and listen to Mrs Fenner's voice recordings.
Activity: Imagine you are the Buddha - what would you say to anyone who asks you how to be happy and stay happy?
Paddling: Using the picture below, fill in the speech bubble to show what the Buddha might say.
Snorkelling and Diving: Write a short speech for the Buddha to say to his followers.
Red Pen: What would your answer be if someone asked you how to be happy and stay happy?
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If you are unable to join us, please say The Lord's Prayer below.
Collective Worship
Story Time
If you have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' read a chapter or two about his adventures.
If you don't have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' click on the link below to listen to some of the audiobook for the story.