Wb 01.06.20
Fancy having a go at the morning challenge? Get your brain warmed up...
'Hi again!' from Mr. Sutton

'Welcome back! from Mrs. MacKrell'

Y6 Learning w/c 1.6.2020
Tasks and Instructions:
- Art DT Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Music Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Predestination PPT.pptx
- RE Activities Predestination.pdf
- Handwriting Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Maths Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- PSHCE 1 Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- PSHCE 2 Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Reading Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Science Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Spelling Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- PE Activities 1.6.20.pdf
- Building Resilience Activities 1.6.20.pdf
Classroom Secrets Kids Now, when you log in to Classroom Secrets Kids, you will see some maths games assigned to you. Have a go!!! I can see them : )