Tuesday 12.01.2021
Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
Spend 30 mins on Century Tech this morning!
Follow your path or have another go at a previous nugget to improve your score!
Try and blow us away with your scores- we will be checking them!
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Your task for today is an assignment on Teams. You need to read the extract and answer the questions.
English 10:00-11:20
Look back over the story map you started yesterday and have a go at recalling the story so far using your pictures. Once you have done that, finish your story map by drawing the rest of the 'The Old MiIl' story. Then, practice reciting the story using your drawings. Could you add any actions?
Maths 11:25-12:20
Please start by working through the powerpoint.
Then select a worksheet to complete
Watch this video with Miss Watton for help to fill in the Multiplication Thinkboards on your sheets!
How to fill in a Multiplication Thinkboard

Science 1:10-2:00pm
Please try the experiment in the powerpoint.
Use your experiment skills to explore and investigate the questions!
You can chose a shadow puppet from the pack to use in your experiment!
Good luck! Remember to use the new vocabulary in your explanations.
2pm Teams
Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session.
Spelling and Independent Reading Time 2:30-3:10pm
Have a go at a SPaG nugget on Century Tech or watch this video of Mrs Weston reading Esio Trot!
Mrs Weston Reading Esio Trot Part 1

Collective Worship Thought of the Day
As we begin to explore the Christian season of Epiphany, please find a prayer below to allow you to start reflecting on your own views as a Christian.
Lord of life,
We thank you for the people who surround us and are with us at important times.
We pray that they will remember us.
Please help us to remember, think of and pray for, all the people and the special times that we remember.