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Subject Overview






Autumn 1:  

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of All About Me.  


“Me!”: Including opportunities to find the pulse, learn nursery rhymes and experiment with high and low voices.  


Autumn 2:  

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Celebrations 


“My Stories”: Including opportunities to copy-clap small phrases and invent a pattern to go with a song using one note.  


Spring 1: 

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of The World Around Us. 


“Everyone”: Including opportunities to invent ways to find the pulse and use the starting note to explore melodic patterns using one or two notes.  


Spring 2:  

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Amazing Animals. 


“Our World”: Including opportunities to learn more nursery rhymes, share ideas and explore high pitch and low pitch using the images from the songs. 

Summer 1:  

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Come Outside.  


“Big Bear Funk”: Including opportunities to keep the beat of the song using a pitched note and enjoy playing patterns using a combination of any of the three notes C, D and E. 


Summer 2:  

Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of On an Adventure.  


“Reflect, Rewind and Replay”: The chance to consolidate learning and contextualise the history of music. This is facilitated through revisiting songs from throughout the year.  


Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Seaside

Autumn 1:
Introducing Beat

How can we make friends when we sing together.

Autumn 2:
Adding Rhythm and Pitch

How does music tell stories about the past?


Nativity - Little Angel gets her wings.


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside The Great Fire of London

Spring 1:
Introducing Tempo and Dynamics

How does music make the world a better place?

Spring 2:
Combining Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch.

how does music help us to understand our neighbours?



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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Oceans & Continents 

Summer 1:
Having fun with improvisation.

What songs can we sing to help us through the day?

Summer 2:
Explore sound and create a story.

How does music teach us about looking after our planet?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Florence Nightingale

Autumn 1:
Exploring Simple Patterns

How does music help us to make friends?

Autumn 2:
Focus on Dynamic and Tempo

How does music teach us about the past?

Alongside Autumn 2:

Nativity - Little Angel gets her wings.

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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Coronation

Spring 1:
Exploring Feelings through Music

How does music make the world a better place?

Spring 2:
Inventing a Musical Story

How does music teach us about our neighbourhood?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Islands

Summer 1:
Music That Makes You Dance

How does music make us happy?

Summer 2:
Exploring Improvisation

How does music teach us about looking after our planet?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 1:
Developing Notation Skills

How does music bring us closer together?

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Autumn 2:
Enjoying Improvisation 

What stories does music tell us about the past?

Alongside Autumn 2 - The Nativity 


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Binfield

Spring 1:
Composing Using Your Imagination

How does music make the world a better place?

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Spring 2:
Sharing Musical Experiences 

How does music help us get to know our community?

Alongside Spring 2:
Easter production


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 1:
Learning More about Musical Styles

How does music make a difference to us every day?

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Summer 2:
Recognising Different Sounds

How does music connect us with our planet?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the topic of Romans

Autumn 1:
Interesting Time Signatures

How does music bring us together?

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Autumn 2:
Combining Elements to make Music

How does music connect us with our past?



Alongside Autumn 2 - The Nativity



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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Rainforest

Spring 1:
Developing Pulse and Groove Through Improvisation 

How does music improve our world?


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Spring 2:
Lean on Me – Gospel and Religious Music
Alongside Spring 2:
Easter production


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Mayans

Summer 1:
Connecting Notes and Feelings

How does music shape our way of life?


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Summer 2:
Purpose, Identity and Expression in Music

How does music connect us with the environment?


Alongside Summer



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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Ancient Greece

Autumn 1:
Getting Started with Music Tech


How does music bring us together?


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Autumn 2:

Emotions and Musical Styles

How does music connect us with our past?

Christmas Nativity


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Sustainability

Spring 1:
Exploring Key and Time Signatures

How does music improve our world?


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Spring 2:
Introducing Chords

How does music teach us about our community?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Summer 1:

Words, Meaning and Expression

How does music shape our way of life?


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Summer 2:
Identifying Important Musical Elements

How does music connect us with the environment?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Changing World

Autumn 1:
Developing Melodic Phrases

How does music bring us together?


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Autumn 2:
Understanding Structure and Form

How does music connect us with our past?


Alongside Autumn 




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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Woman in History

Spring 1:
Gaining Confidence Through Performance

How does music improve our world?


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Spring 2:

Exploring Notation Further

How does music teach us about our community?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Rivers

Summer 1:
How does music shape our way of life?


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Summer 2:
Respecting Each Other through Composition 

How does music connect us with the environment?


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At Binfield we also immerse children in music through weekly and termly services, hymn practises, termly church services and productions across the school. 



This subject is led by Joan Barker.

This page was last updated May 2023.
