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Year 4


Autumn - Romans

Spring - Rainforests

Summer - Mayans/Extreme Earth


Write stories set in places pupils have been. (within legend story)
Write stories that include mythical, legendary or historical characters and events (Robin Hood)
Write letters. (Formal letters to Ufton)
Write fictional  biographies. (Roman Gods?)

Write recounts (informal diary linked to newspaper report)
Write explanations. (Digestive system)
Write non-chronological reports.
Write in a journalistic style. (Newspapers)
Write formally.

Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Write stories of adventure. (Warning story - Rainforest)
Write stories of mystery and suspense.
Write letters. (Informal letters - Roald Dahl?)

Write non-chronological reports. (Rainforest)
Write arguments. (Rainforest Discussion text)
Write formally.

Write haiku poems. (Rainforest)

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Write letters (Formal thank you letter - Living Rainforest)

Write instructions. (How to catch a dragon)
Write recounts. (Formal recount - Living Rainforest newsletter)
Write persuasively. (Dragons' Den)
Write non-chronological reports. (Dragons)
Write biographies. (David Attenborough)
Write formally.

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Place Value

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Addition and Subtraction

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Measurement and Area

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Multiplication and Division A

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Use algebra (Covered as part of the “Add and subtract” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems and as part of the “Multiply and divide” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)

Multiplication and Division B

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Length and Perimeter

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Decimals A 

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Use algebra (Covered as part of the multiply and divide threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)

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Decimals B

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Position and Direction

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Taught discretely through the theme of Romans:

Autumn 1 & 2:
Animals and humans - simple functions of the digestive system in humans, transportation of water and different types of teeth and their functions

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Spring 1:
Evolution and inheritance - how animals resemble their parents and how they are suited to their environment

(look at how Rainforest animals adapt to their environments).
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Taught discretely

Spring 2:
Sound - sources, how sounds are made, volume and pitch.

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Taught discretely through the theme of Extreme Earth:

Summer 1:
Electricity - common appliances, construct simple circuits and recognise conductors and insulators.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Extreme Earth

Summer 2:
Materials - states of matter - solids, liquids, gases, changes of state and evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
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Autumn 1:
People of God - What is it like to follow God? Old Testament, Covenant, 'People of God', Noah's Ark, How some Christians choose to live their whole lives and in their church communities.

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Autumn 2:
The Christmas Story - What is the most significant part of the nativity story for Christians today? Christmas Symbols, Incarnation, Christingle.

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Spring 1:
Buddha's Teachings - Is it possible for everyone to be happy? Life of the Buddha, Search for Enlightenment.

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Spring 2:
The Easter Story - Why do Christians remember the events of Holy Week every year? (Digging Deeper) Holy Week, Resurrection, The Last Supper, Judas' betrayal and Peter's denial, How Christians remember, celebrate and serve on Maundy Thursday, including Holy Communion

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Summer 1:
The Eight-Fold Path - Can the Buddha's teachings make the world a better place? The Eight-Fold Path, 3 Universal Truths, Suffering, Buddha's teachings, Right Speech.

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Summer 2:
The Eight-Fold Path - What is the best way for a Buddhist to lead a good life? The Eight-Fold Path, Right Viewpoint, Right Awareness, Right Speech, Right Concentration, Right Action, Right Thought, Right Effort and Right Living

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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Romans  

Autumn 1 & 2 - The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. History that is of an interest to pupils

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Mostly integrated through the theme of  Rainforest

Mostly integrated through the theme of Extreme Earth and Mayans

Summer 1 - Non-EU society that contrasts with British History (Mayans)  
Summer 2 - Key events of the past (Pompeii)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Romans

Autumn 1 & 2:
Use maps to locate Rome and other important cities. 
Identify countries that were invaded by the Romans on a map. 
Use the 8 points of the compass to describe where these countries are located.

Identify settlements and land use.
Describe the physical geography of Rome and the lands they invaded.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rainforests

Spring 1 & 2:
Locate the world's countries with focus on South America. 
Identify the Equator, Northern and Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic, Antarctic and time and date zones.
Use the 8 points of a compass, 4-figure grid references and symbols.

Locate the geographical zones (rainforests) of the world and describe them using geographical language (human and physical) - identify similarities and differences.

Use a wide range of geographical sources in order to investigate places and patterns


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 Mostly integrated through the theme of Extreme Earth and Mayans

Summer 1: Mayans
Locate the world's countries with focus on North and South America.
Identify where the main Mayan settlements were.
Use the language of human and physical geography to describe locations where the Mayans lived.


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Summer 2: Extreme Earth
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography including volcanoes, earthquakes and the water cycle.
Use maps, atlases, globes and digital computer mapping to locate countries and describe features related to features studied. 

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 1:
Being me in my world
- Being part of a class team
- Being a school citizen
- Rights, responsibilities and democracy (school council)
- Rewards and consequences
- Group decision-making
- Having a voice
- What motivates behaviour

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 2:
Celebrating Differences            
- Challenging assumptions
- Judging by appearance
- Accepting self and others
- Understanding influences
- Understanding bullying
- Problem-solving
- Identifying how special and unique everyone is
- First impressions

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 1:
Dreams and Goals
- Hopes and dreams
- Overcoming disappointment
- Creating new, realistic dreams
- Achieving goals
- Working in a group
- Celebrating contributions
- Resilience
- Positive attitudes

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 2:
Healthy Me
- Healthier friendships
- Group dynamics
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Assertiveness
- Peer pressure
- Celebrating inner strength

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 1:
- Jealousy
- Love and loss
- Memories of loved ones
- Getting on and Falling Out
- Girlfriends and boyfriends
- Showing appreciation to people and animals

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 2:
Changing Me
- Being unique
- Having a baby
- Girls and puberty
- Confidence in change
- Accepting change
- Preparing for transition to Year 5
- Environmental change

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Autumn 1 & 2:
Personal and social cogs

Taking part in Gymnastics Activities

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Undertaking swimming and water safety.

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Spring 1 & 2:
Cognitive and creative cogs

Taking part in Athletic Activities: Indoor Athletics and cross country.

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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To perform dances - Dance linked to production

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Games: rugby

Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Summer 1 & 2:
Applying physical skills  and health and fitness cogs

Taking part in Athletics activities

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending
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Games: football, hockey, basketball


Taught discretely

Autumn 1:
To explore count controlled loops on Scratch.

Autumn 2:
To use  IF THEN conditions to control events or objects and use variables when creating a helicopter game.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Mostly integrated through theme of Rainforests

 Spring 1 & 2:
To create and publish a piece of work online using Pobble, using advanced features of that application, with an understanding of how online services work.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Taught discretely           

Summer 1:
To use X & Y coordinates to place sprites and use simple code to create shape on Scratch

Mostly integrated through the theme of 
Extreme Earth

Summer 2:
To create a game which puts all of the children's current scratch skills together.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!


Mostly integrated through the theme of The Romans
Autumn 1:

• Use layers of two or more colours.
• Replicate patterns observed in natural or built environments. 
• Make printing blocks (e.g. from coiled string glued to a block).
• Make precise repeating patterns.
(Print a Roman Mosaic)

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Autumn 2:


Digital Media: 
• Create images, video and sound recordings and explain why they were created.
(Interview Robin Hood, taught within English lessons)

(Taught discretely)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rainforests
Spring 1:

• Use a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes to produce shapes, textures, patterns and lines.
• Mix colours effectively.
• Use watercolour paint to produce washes for backgrounds then add detail.
• Experiment with creating mood with colour.

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Spring 2:

• Select and arrange materials for a striking effect.
• Ensure work is precise.
• Use coiling, overlapping, tessellation, mosaic and montage.

(Artist investigation, use the painting to inspire the collage of the Rainforest)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Extreme Earth and Mayans

Summer 1 & 2:

• Create and combine shapes to create recognisable forms (e.g. shapes made from nets or solid materials).
• Include texture that conveys feelings, expression or movement.
• Use clay and other mouldable materials.
• Add materials to provide interesting detail. 
(Create Mayan God sculpture using clay)



Mostly integrated through the theme of The Romans

Autumn 1 & 2:


• Choose suitable techniques to construct products or to repair items.

• Strengthen materials using suitable techniques.

(Bows and Arrows)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of Rainforests

Spring 1 & 2:


• Cut materials accurately and safely by selecting appropriate tools.

• Measure and mark out to the nearest millimetre.

• Apply appropriate cutting and shaping techniques that include cuts within the perimeter of the material (such as slots or cut outs).

• Select appropriate joining techniques.

(Making a Monsoon Proof Roof)


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Mostly integrated through the themes of Mayans and Extreme Earth

Summer 1 & 2:


• Use scientific knowledge of the transference of forces to choose appropriate mechanisms for a product (such as levers, winding mechanisms, pulleys and gears).


• Choose suitable techniques to construct products or to repair items.

• Strengthen materials using suitable techniques.

Electrics and electronics:

• Create series and parallel circuits

(Wind Turbines)


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the topic of Romans

Autumn 1:

Interesting Time Signatures

How does music bring us together?


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Autumn 2:

Combining Elements to Make Music

How does music connect us with our past?

Alongside Autumn;



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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Rainforest

Spring 1:
Developing Pulse & Groove Through Improvisation

How does music improve our world?


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Spring 2:
Creating Simple Melodies Together

How does music teach us about our community?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Mayans

Summer 1:
Connecting Notes and Feelings

How does music shape our way of life?


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Summer 2:
Purpose, Identity and Expresssion in Music.

How does music connect us with the environment?


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Autumn 1

Lesson 1 — The Farmer in His Meadow 

Lesson 2 — Simon Says...

Lesson 3 — I Play... 

Lesson 4 — In the Playground 

Lesson 5 — What Do You Like to Play?

Lesson 6 — Luc the Dreamer 

Autumn 2

Lesson 1 — Where Do You Live?

Lesson 2 — Your Home

Lesson 3 — Your Bedroom

Lesson 4 — The Kitchen

Lesson 5 — Daily Routine

Lesson 6 — Garon the Giant


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Spring 1

Lesson 1 — How Much Does it Cost? 

Lesson 2 — In Your Town

Lesson 3 — Where is...?

Lesson 4 — Shops

Lesson 5 — At the Shop

Lesson 6 — Éric Goes Shopping 

Spring 2

Lesson 1 — What Are You Like?

Lesson 2 — Hair

Lesson 3 — We're All Different 

Lesson 4 — The Fairy and the Pirate

Lesson 5 — I'm Wearing...

Lesson 6 — The Sad Frog 


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Summer 1

Lesson 1 — My Face

Lesson 2 — What Are You Doing? 

Lesson 3 — It Hurts

Lesson 4 — Fairy Tales

Lesson 5 — Where Do They Live?

Lesson 6 — Little Red Riding Hood 

Summer 2

Lesson 1 — Sports

Lesson 2 — What Sport Do You Like Doing?

Lesson 3 — At the StadiumLesson 4 — Wimbledon

Lesson 5 — Can You...?Lesson 6 — A Tennis Match 

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