Welcome to the PTA section.
What is F.O.B.S.?
F.O.B.S. is the Parent Teacher Association at Binfield CE Primary School (VA) and you are automatically a member when your child joins the school.
What does F.O.B.S. do?
We are a charity who raise money to pay for lots of extra things that help make Binfield such a great school for our children. We also help to build a thriving community for children and parents.
What has F.O.B.S. purchased for the school?
New this year
Fantastic outdoor all-weather play area
Read Write Inc Spelling Scheme for KS2
Every year
Christmas lunch
Christmas activities
Help towards the Year 6 Leaver Celebrations and presents
Extra items for the classroom
Teachers’ floats
Themed weeks: sports, healthy eating, science, reading
Previous purchases/contributions:
Outside equipment – adventure trail, climbing walls, BOLE, new decking, welly racks, playground markings, play equipment
Read Write Inc initiative, helping to improve literacy skills and spelling
Interactive Whiteboards and ICT equipment
New PA system
New kitchen and buildings
Celebrations and presents
How do F.O.B.S. raise money?
Through lots of activities and events including:
The Binfield 10k
Summer Fete
Christmas Bazaar
Kids’ discos
Band Night
Quiz Night
Music Festival
Family Disco
Shopping Trip
Second-hand uniform sales
Christmas cards, calendars
What can you do to help?
We rely entirely on the support of parents and helpers. Whether it’s a little or a lot, we are really grateful to receive your help.
Use the new website, to sign up to help with an event or an activity.
Or join our friendly committee for a more regular role.
Check out our Facebook page ‘Friends of Binfield School’ for news and updates.
Our Current Fundraising Schemes
FOBS Minutes
Forthcoming FOBS Events- see FOBS website