28.2.22 Cloudy Lesson (2)
Reading Comprehension
We continue to focus on fluency and comprehension in our phonics sessions. Please read and complete the comprehension questions that are in line with your reading stage.
Stage 6 and below (1 star)
Stages 7 – 8 (2 star)
Stages 9 + (3 star)
English - Diary Writing
Lesson 1
One of the key parts of writing a diary entry is to use the past tense.
Watch the video and join in with the activities on the BBC Bitesize link.
Lesson 2
Now please complete the task using one of the sheets below.
Lesson 3
Now you have watched the video please have a go at writing the first part of the diary entry yourself. Below are resources to help you
Lesson 4
Lesson 5 - Evaluation Day
Today, please read your diary entry out loud to your family. Once you have finished reading it out loud, answer the questions below:
- What do you need to improve?
- Check your spellings using the sound mat.
- Assess your writing using the Diary Checklist below.
Afternoon Lessons
Design Technology Week!
This week we will be designing and making our own Royal Carriage,
Lesson 1
Design Technology
Welcome to your assignment! We are learning how to make a vehicle this week. Please watch Miss Tissot's video before beginning the task on OneNote.
Welcome to your assignment! We are learning how to make a vehicle this week. Please watch Miss Tissot's video before beginning the task on OneNote.
Look at all of the carriages.
What are the key features of a carriage?
What would you need to include if you were designing a carriage?
Use the pictures below to help you
Lesson 3
Following on from your lesson yesterday, today we are going to ask you to design your own carriage! Tomorrow you will be adapting your design so you can make your carriage using items around the house.
Please upload your design to your OneNote assignment page.
Please upload your design to your OneNote assignment page.
Lesson 4
Today we want you to adapt your designs from yesterday to that you can make your carriage using different items from around your home! We cannot wait to see how creative you can be.
You may wish to make your carriage by using:
- Lego
- A cardboard box
- Wheels made from cardboard or spools from thread
- Axles (the bar that connects the wheels) from sticks outside or straws.
We want you to be as creative as you can! Please upload the photo of your carriage onto your OneNote assignment page.
Below are lots of different ways to make a moving vehicle.
Watch Miss Tissot make LOTS of mistakes!
Watch Mrs Spender make a Lego car
Lesson 5
Today we are asking you to evaluate your carriage! What worked well? What did you enjoy doing? Was your carriage successful? Answer the questions on the sheet and think about what you would do if you were to make your carriage again.