Tuesday 2nd
Teams call 9am.
Log onto our teams call at 9am ready to hear the plan for the day.
Join Joe Wicks for his early morning workout.
Century Tech:
Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 Maths 2.3.21'. You will be delighted to hear that there is only one nugget to complete today: 'Diagnostic: Algebra'. Be careful to do your best because you don't get a chance to repeat this one...
Watch the video on Finding 2-step rules. Make sure you have a pencil and paper with you to complete the activities during the lesson. Once you have watched the video, decide how confident you are and choose your level of challenge from the practice sheets below. I will post the answers later so that you can mark your work in red pen.
Have a go at this comprehension, which will give you some background information for our History theme about Women in History. The answers will be put up later today for you to mark it yourself.
Today, please finalise your biography, making it ready to publish. You can choose to write it up neatly in your best handwriting, or present it electronically. The choices electronically are:
-Word (ensuring paragraphing and sub-headings are clear, good use of font (and include words in italics, bold or underlined), pictures with captions and a title.
- powerpoint (ensuring you have set up the timings on this so it plays automatically with parts of text coming onto screen.) Include a relevant background design, and interesting fonts and pictures. You can add sound effects and voice notes in this too,
- video (this could be a video of yourself reading your biography, OR you could record each slide of your powerpoint and then turn it into a video by exporting it). Watch the video to learn how.
How to make a video on powerpoint.mp4

Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:
tion wordsearch
Watch the video below and Mrs. M will explain your tasks for this afternoon. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy as there will be some tasks that you might want to do while the lesson is on (just pause and then resume when you've finished).
RE Spring 2 Lesson 3

Good Friday and Easter Sunday
Good afternoon!
Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.
Collective Worship:
If we were in school, we would discuss this story and think about things we can learn about it from our own lives. Instead, please talk to a grown up at home….
- At playtime, you notice someone sat alone with no one wanting to play with them. What would you do? How can you show kindness?