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9.11.20 Firework Poetry

Reading Comprehension


Monday - 

It's firework night! Whilst we enjoy fireworks, what rules do we need to follow? Use the template below to write  instructions on how to stay safe on bonfire night. Watch the video below to help you! 

Fireman Sam Official: Bonfire Night Safety Tip 1

Fireman Sam Official: Bonfire Night Safety Tip 2

Fireman Sam Official: Bonfire Night Safety Tip 3

Tuesday - Can you label a picture to describe a firework using your senses?


Read the firework poems. How has the poet created images in the readers mind? What type of words are used for effective description? The poems below are called shape poems. Why do you think that? Choose one or more to perform to your adults at home. 


Can you write your own shape poem either using the worksheets below or your own design? 


Perform your poem to your family. How can you make it even better? 


Monday - Bonds to 100 (tens)

Tuesday - Add and subtract 1s

Wednesday - Ten more ten less

Thursday - Add and subtract 10s

Friday - add by making ten

Afternoon Lessons

Art - 

William Morris

Task 1: Create a poppy as fast as you can! What went well? What could be better? 

Task 2: Now watch the video below, how can you improve your poppy? 


How to draw a Remembrance Poppy Real Easy - Step by Step


Please draw and label the features of a king. What would make a good king? Please look at Botticelli's Mystic nativity below. Which characters look like kings? Do they match your sketch? 

Outdoor Learning - 

Can you use sticks and leaves to represent tens and ones? Can you show your number bonds to ten, twenty and 100?
