Logon to Teams at 9am to hear your instructions for the day.
Start the day doing something active
Fine Motor Skills - Letter Formation

Practise writing the letters 'e' and 'i' with Mrs Corah
Start with your speed sounds using your booklets, flash cards or a video on the link below.
The Dressing Up Box group
Please read and complete the reading comprehension by yourself.
The Gingerbread Man
Start with practicing your spellings. Use the spellings on the document below. Use the 'look, cover, write, check' method.
Watch the video on past, present and future verbs.
Complete the grammar section of the sheet.
Watch the video on adjectives.
Now complete the vocabulary section.
Find the mistakes in the sentences. Circle the mistakes and then try to correct them.
Watch the video and complete the worksheet at the appropriate time.
Collective Worship
Imagine you were there when Baby Jesus was brought into the temple. There were crowds of people but you managed to get so close to the front that you could whisper something in Baby Jesus' ear.
Fill in the speech bubble to write down what you would say.