Tuesday 9th
Teams call 9am.
Log onto our teams call at 9am ready to hear the plan for the day.
Join Joe Wicks for his early morning workout.
Century Tech:
Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 Science 9.2.21'. This is revision from Autumn's 'Evolution and Inheritance' unit and is comprised of two nuggets: one on 'Feeding relationships' and one on 'Fossils: Evidence'. As always, make sure you watch the videos and go back if you score <80%!
Watch today's video on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. You will need a pen and paper as there are activities to try and mark whilst you watch. Instant feedback! If you are finding this tricky, there is a second video to watch, which might make things a bit clearer.
After that, you can choose your level of challenge from the practice activities.
Watch Mrs Mistry talking you through the answers for the 'Space Tourism' comprehension sheet. Mark your questions along with her. If possible, upload your sheets so we can see them.
Space Tourism Answers

Watch this video with Mrs Mistry to help you write the next paragraph of your newspaper report. There is also a knowledge organiser which you could use to help give you ideas of words to sneak into your newspaper.
Quote part of Newspaper.mp4

Complete this dots and dashes task, just like we do in RWI spelling at school.
Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:

Safer Internet Day:
Safer Internet


Good afternoon!
Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.
Collective Worship:
Watch the video clip below which is an animation of Luke 4 1-13. In this clip we see how Jesus had great trust in God despite the devil trying to tempt him. Who do you have great trust in? Why? Share your answer with someone at home.