Tuesday 26th
Teams call 9am.
Log onto our teams call at 9am ready to hear the plan for the day.
Join Joe Wicks for his early morning workout.
Century Tech:
Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 Science 26.1.21'
Aim high - remember to have another go if you don't score over 80%!
Watch the taught lesson below (don't forget a pencil and paper to take part)
Then choose your level of challenge from the practice sheets below.
Read the story below called 'Me and My Habits'. Then answer the questions below.
Can you use a highlighter to highlight where you have found the evidence to prove your answer?
A highlighter is also useful to highlight the important parts of the question...
Writing Instructions

Have a go at the anagrams for this week's spelling list.
Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:
Watch Mrs. MacKrell's taught lesson on Immortality.
Remember, our enquiry question for this half-term is 'Is anything ever eternal?'
There are some activities to do during the lesson and then there is an activity to complete about superheroes.

Have a go at Mr. Gooch's Challenge this week...
P.E. Challenge

Throw Golf (Indoor)
Good afternoon!
Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.
Collective Worship:
Watch Mrs Mistry as she reads you another version of the same part of the Bible which Luke talked about in his assembly yesterday.