Logon to Teams at 9am to hear your instructions for the day.
Start the day doing something active.
Fine Motor - Letter Formation
Practise writing the letters 'a' and 'c' with Mrs Corah
If you are struggling with the work set below, there are lots of videos on the Ruth Miskin RWI YouTube channel that are worth watching as an alternative.
Learn/revise the new sounds
‘i-e’ nice smile
Read all the sounds (see list below – you should also have sheets, booklets or flash cards in your book bag )
ea as in tea, oi as in spoil, a-e as in cake,
i-e as in smile, o-e as in home, u-e as in huge,
aw as in yawn, are as in care, ur as in nurse,
er as in letter, ow as in cow, ai as in rain,
oa as in boat, ew as in chew, ire as in fire,
ear as in hear, ure as in pure
ue as in rescue, ie as in tie,
au as in astronaut, e-e as in complete,
kn as in knock, ck as in clock,
wh as in whisk, ph as in photo
Miss Hill and Mrs Bagshaw's group will be doing The Dressing Up Box this week. Everyone else is doing The Gingerbread Man.
Watch the video and complete the activity at the appropriate time.
Mental Maths
Select x10. Which ones are multiples of 10? How do you know?
PE / Games
Year 1 General Challenge.mp4
Year 1 Balance Challenge.mp4
Listen to Ms Hill read The Smartest Giant in Town