Uniform Information
School Uniform Policy
Children are expected to wear correct school uniform.
If you are unsure as to the suitability of any items, we strongly advise you to check in the school office before making a purchase. All uniform should be clearly named. Your child should know where to find their name and we expect that they look after their belongings.
Uniform is available to order online from our supplier, School Trends – go to https://www.schooltrendsonline.com/uniform/BinfieldCEPrimarySchoolRG424EW.
This website supplies the uniform items with a logo and other generic uniform items. Non-logo, generic items (such as grey trousers/skirts etc) can be purchased from other high street retailers.
Delivery can be made either directly to school or to your home address (postage costs apply to both).
Pre-loved uniform can also be obtained from our PTA (FOBS) in return for a donation. For more information please use this link to their website.
Please note that we only sell book bags, PE bags, ties and baseball caps in school, as these are not available online. We have a very small stock of uniform available for genuine emergency purposes and for sizing.
Please can we also remind you that rucksacks are not part of the uniform guidelines. The only bag children should use to bring their school books/work in is the regulation book bag, which is available from the school office. Additionally, they should keep their PE kit in a PE bag, which is also available from the school office. An additional school bag may be needed if your child is taking part in additional clubs or is bringing their own packed lunch to school. These should be kept to a minimum size and must fit into your child’s allocated cloakroom space/locker. A lunch bag and/or a drawstring bag/PE kit style is ideal. Please can you refrain from sending your children to school with bulky bags of any kind, which we simply do not have room to store and are not part of our uniform guidelines.
Additionally, please note that culottes, playsuits, skorts or skirt shorts are not part of the school uniform and should not be worn instead of dress, trousers or a skirt.
Winter/Spring Uniform List:
- Mid-grey plain trousers
- Mid-grey plain skirt or Mid Grey pinafore dress
- Grey/scarlet red tights Grey/scarlet red/white socks
- Grey socks (with trousers)
- White shirt/blouse with traditional stiff collar (Years 1-6)
- White school logo polo shirt or plain white polo shirt (Year R only)
- V-neck school logo scarlet red cardigan or sweatshirt
- Scarlet and grey school tie (Year 1-6 )♠ Scarlet red ties (Y6 only)
- Black low-heeled sensible school shoes
- Hairbands or hairclips for all children with long hair should be plain and in a school colour only i.e. scarlet red, grey and white
♠ Only available from the school office.
Summer Uniform List:
- Red and white all-over checked summer dress
- Mid-grey plain school shorts
- Short white socks (with dresses)
- Short grey socks (with shorts)
- White short-sleeved shirt/blouse with traditional stiff collar (Years 1-6)
- White school logo polo shirt or plain white polo shirt (Year R only)
- V-neck school logo scarlet red cardigan or sweatshirt
- Scarlet and grey school tie♠ (Year 1-6) Scarlet red ties (Y6 only) n.b. Staff will instruct pupils to remove ties if it is excessively hot.
- Black low-heeled sensible school shoes
- Hairbands or hairclips for all children with long hair should be plain and in a school colour only i.e. scarlet red, grey and white
- Scarlet red school logo* or plain sun hat is strongly recommended
♠ Only available from the school office.
Every child should keep a BOLE kit in school at all times – this should consist of wellies, a waterproof all-in-one or waterproof trousers and top.
P.E. Kit:
Indoor/basic PE Kit (should always be in school)
- Plain black (games) shorts
- Scarlet red crew neck t-shirt with school logo
- Trainers
- Socks (grey or white) to change into (if tights have been worn to school)
* items available for purchase from the school office
Outdoor PE Kit – needed for cooler weather, usually winter and spring terms
- Plain black jogging bottoms (i.e. elasticated waist and legs) no stripes or logos
- Scarlet red crew neck t-shirt with school logo
- Scarlet red fleece jacket with school logo and a scarlet red waterproof jacket or an ‘Ultimate fleece/waterproof reversible jacket with school logo
- Trainers
- Scarlet red woollen hat with school logo * is an optional item, as are a plain pair of gloves in scarlet red or black
N.B. Children in Key Stage 2 may be asked to bring in football boots and shin pads for use during Games lessons if they have them available and may wear gum shields if they so choose for hockey lessons. Children may also wear a plain black pair of waterproof trousers over their jogging bottoms if they so wish. These items are not compulsory.
Other essential items
- Art apron – an old shirt with elasticated sleeves is recommended
- Wellington boots may be required for field trips and outside learning (they are essential to have in school all of the time in YR)
- Reading book bag* This should be for reading books, homelearning diaries, homelearning etc.
- PE bag*
- An additional school bag may be needed if your child is taking part in additional clubs or is bringing their own packed lunch to school. These should be kept to a minimum size and must fit into your child’s allocated cloakroom space/locker. A lunch bag and/or a draw string bag/PE kit style is ideal.
Hair and jewellery
In the interest of hygiene and safety, long hair for boys or girls must always be tied back off the face. A full pony tail or similar is recommended, i.e. no long hair should be loose. Hairbands or hair clips used to tie back hair should be plain and in a school colour only – only small, discreet bows of the school colours and without adornment are permitted.
Hair gel and other styling products are not permitted. Extreme hairstyles are also not permitted. If you are unsure as to the suitability please ask in the school office before embarking on a hair cut/design.
The wearing of jewellery, except watches and small stud earrings, is not permitted. These items must be removed for PE and Games. Children must be able to remove their own earrings.