Logon to Teams at 9am to hear your instructions for the day.
Start the day doing something active.
Fine Motor Skills
Complete pages 4-6 of the pencil control booklet.
Please continue writing the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and add it to the Onenote page.
Start with your speed sounds using your booklets, flash cards or a video on the link below.
In the Sun group please complete the reading comprehension.
Tom Thumb group
Start with practicing your spellings. Use the spellings on the document below. Use the 'look, cover, write, check' method.
Join in with Super Movers to learn about capital letters and full stops.
Now complete the rest of the sheet.
Proof read
Watch the video and complete the worksheet when it tells you to.
Mental Maths
Go through the PowerPoint about giving thanks and then write your own prayer of thanks on the candle template provided.
Collective Worship
Today we are going to look at another of Jesus' miracles. Jesus calming a storm.