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P.E with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Click on the link below. Watch the video from last week again and re-read the information.
When answering inference questions, your answer needs to be clear and backed up with evidence.
Click the link above and scroll down to Activity 2.
Watch the video of part one of Tiddalik the Frog.
Think carefully about the characters that are introduced, then answer the questions below.
Read the evidence given from the story in the table below. Then infer what this shows you.
The first one has been done for you as an example.
If you want to challenge yourself, see if you can provide the evidence and the inference to answer this question: How do the animals feel at the end of the video?
What inferences can you make in your reading over the weekend?
Watch the video below.
Now watch Mrs Norman's video.
Mrs Norman's video

Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.
English (Spelling and Handwriting)
Watch Mrs Kelley's spelling videos below.
Mrs Kelley's Spelling Video 1

Mrs Kelley's Spelling Video 2

Complete the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' table below using the words from Mrs Kelley's videos.
(The words are on the sheet.)
How did you get on?
Which words did you spell correctly?
Which words did you found tricky?
Activity: Write sentences using these tricky words.
Challenge: Can you write a compound or complex sentence?
If you managed to spell all of Mrs Kelley's words correctly - well done!
Look at the high frequency words in the front of your home learning book and choose some words you find tricky.
Look back at your writing for this week - were there any words you found hard to spell?
Activity: Write sentences using the tricky words you have identified.
Challenge: Can you write a compound or complex sentence?
*Send your sentences on Teams as this is your Friday assignment.*
Watch Mrs Fenner's handwriting video below.
Mrs Fenner's Handwriting Video

Using your learning from Mrs Fenner's video about ascenders, descenders and middle letters - copy out the rainforest poem below in your neatest handwriting.
Have you remembered which letters are ascenders? Descenders? Middle letters?
Do your ascender letters reach the top of the line?
Do you descender letters go underneath the line?
Have you imagined a middle line for your middle letters?
Mental Maths
Complete today's Century Tech nugget.
We are going to continue with our topic of rainforest art this week.
Marianne North focused on rainforest plants. We are going to look at rainforest animals this week.
Click on the link for The Living Rainforest below. Have a look at what kinds of rainforest animals they have there.
Click the link below to look at the picture of 'The White Lipped Tree Frog' by Oenone Hammersley.
Think about the colours the artist has used.
What do you like about it?
What don't you like about it?
Today, you will need to draw your version of the picture and colour it using pastels. You can use coloured pencils if you don't have pastels.
Watch Mrs Norman's video for tips on how to use pastels for this piece of art.
Mrs Norman's video

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.
If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below.
Collective Worship
Reflect on your learning this week.
Have you been the best class contributor on TT Rockstars this week?
Have you worked hard to learn and practise your times tables?
Have you managed to beat a previous soundcheck score?
Do you perhaps need to try harder with your times tables next week?
Story Time
If you have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' read a chapter or two about his adventures.
If you don't have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' click on the link below to listen to some of the audiobook for the story.