Wednesday 13.01.2021
Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
Spend 30 mins on TT Rockstars this morning!
See if you can improve your speed and challenge your friends!
We'll be checking your scores so try your best
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Your task for today is on Teams. You need to read the extract and answer the questions in full sentences.
Maths 10:00-11:20
Please work through the powerpoint. In the powerpoint, there is a link to a numberblocks song and activity.
Everyone please now try this Array Matching Game.
Divers may also complete the Red Pen Question.
Finally, watch this challenge with Miss Watton! Can you work out work array she is describing? 

Final Array Challenge with Miss Watton

English 11:25-12:20
Having read the story and learnt it off by heart, we are now going to break it down and start by looking at the thoughts and feelings of the character Jo. Open the document below to see today's task. Remember, you can access the document on your Classroom Notebook or from yesterday's learning.
PE 13:00-14:00
Watch PE with Joe Wicks or this circuit video with Mr Field!
Why don't you design your own routine using some of the moves?
Circuit Training with Mr Field!

2pm Teams
Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session.
Spelling Activity and Independent Reading Time 2:30-3:10pm
Following last week's work on Homophones, have a go at this wordsearch!
When you finish, you can use the second page to check your answers
Spend the rest of the time slot reading your book.
Collective Worship Thought of the Day
Following from yesterday's prayer, let us reflect.
What things do you remember as important stages in your life?
Why do you remember these things?
Are you the only person who remembers them? Who else remembers? Friends? Family?
In a moment of quiet think of an important time in someone else's life when you were there.