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Monday 25.01.2021

Morning Task 8:30-9:00am


Spend 30 mins on Century Tech this morning!

Follow your path or have another go at a previous nugget to improve your score!

Try and blow us away with your scores-  we will be checking them! 

9am Teams


Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day. 

Guided Reading 9:30-10:00


Before reading the section attached, please complete the sheet below.

B.O.L.E 10:00-11:00

Your BOLE challenge today is to explore music in nature and try to create your own rhythm pattern! Watch the video below for some more detail. 


You can complete this task on your daily walk or in your garden. If you are isolating and staying inside, try and make a rhythm using the items around you!

Good luck!laugh

Music in Nature 25.1.2021 BOLE Challenge

Still image for this video

Handwriting Session 11:00-11:20


If your child needs more support with handwriting, then watch the video called the 'one to one method of teaching the tripod pencil grip' on the link below:

Correct sitting position for handwriting:

Tripod Grip

Handwriting advice: pencil trick for the perfect tripod grasp

A quick trick to ensure children hold their pencil in the recommended dynamic tripod grasp for comfortable handwriting, with advice from the National handwri...

Handwriting Task


Still image for this video

Maths 11:35-12:20

First work through this powerpoint with audio notes from Miss Wattonlaugh

Next, try a challenge card. You can watch this quick video which explains the activity too. 

How to complete a Dividing by 5 Challenge Card

Still image for this video

Finally, you can test your new skills by completing a space race!


English 13:00-14:00

Today's task

Still image for this video

Marking Policy

2pm Teams 


We hope to see you for a round up of the day. There will also be a chance to share any work you have completed.

Collective Worship Thought of the Day
RE 2:30-3:10

RE - Guru Nanak

Comic Strip Example
