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Our History

Binfield CE Primary School (VA) opened on 1st September 1987 when a piece of farm land was turned into what is now known as Foxley Fields.  The School was officially opened on 15th March 1988 by the Bishop of Oxford.


Prior to this, the children of Binfield were taught at two village schools, St Mark’s and All Saints. However, these schools were too small to support the expanding village and a new, one-form entry primary school was built next to Foxley Fields.


Over time, Binfield CE Primary School (VA) has expanded to become a two-form entry primary school.




The school has retained its continuity with the past. Outside the Headteacher’s office is the school bell from 1852 from All Saints school. Each child in Year 6 is invited to ring the bell on their last day in school in July!


St Mark’s Primary School
St Mark’s was a small Church of England Primary School comprised of four classes, with four teachers including the Headteacher.  Every year in the Summer term, the whole school went on a residential trip for a week.


School started at 9.00am with an assembly in the school hall. The morning was spent on Maths, English, History and Geography, whilst the afternoon was spent on Art, Craft, Music and P.E. The lessons for Craft were split into gender groups, with boys doing woodwork and girls doing sewing.  P.E. was the same, with boys playing football and girls playing netball. The day then finished at 3.30pm.


Some things may have changed but others haven’t: in the Autumn term, the children celebrated Harvest and Christmas was especially significant, with nativity plays and Christmas celebrations. In the Summer, the school held a Summer Fete and a Sports Day.


All Saints Primary School
Do you have any information about All Saints Primary School in Binfield?  We would love to know more about the school, so if you do, please let us know!
