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9am Teams Meeting 

Please join us as we start our day online

Berkshire Virtual School Games 

Reading Comprehension 

This week we are going to work through a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar booklet. Each day there will be a few pages for you to complete. Please try and do this on your own before you ask for help.  


Please practise your spellings this week ready for your test on Friday.

Wb 1st March








Lines of symmetry - draw the whole

Watch this taught lesson and then complete the task underneath


Watch this taught lesson for the Tuesday lesson

Now please complete the task using one of the sheets below. 

Mental Maths


Please complete the challenges below for your P.E. lesson this afternoon. 

Year 2 Jump Challenge

Still image for this video

Year 2 Balance Challenge

Still image for this video

Indoor Golf Challenge

Still image for this video

Year 2 General Challenge

Still image for this video

2pm Teams Call

It's World Book Week! 

Instead of just reading a book, here are some ideas for you to try as we celebrate the love of reading! Please choose one activity a day to upload to your assignment. 


Alternative Activities 

  • Record yourself reading and post it on your assignment.

  • Review a book using the audio recording feature. 

  • Dress up as a character and post a picture on your assignment. 

  • Act out a story with your family.

  • Recommend a new book to a member of your family. 

Collective Worship 

If we were in school, we would discuss this story and think about things we can learn about it from our own lives. Instead, please talk to a grown up at home…. 

  1. At playtime, you notice someone sat alone with no one wanting to play with them. What would you do? How can you show kindness? 

The Story of Zacchaeus

Story Time 

George's Marvellous Medicine Chapters 13&14

Listen to Mrs Rice read George's Marvellous medicine by Roald Dahl
