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9am Teams

Please log in to Teams for our daily welcome

Mental Maths

We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.

The Game is On!


This week, there's a TT Rockstars Battle between 5TA (Totally Awesome!) and 5JS (Jolly Smart!). May the best team win!

Century Tech

Please can you complete today's nugget "Tuesday - 26th Jan". It is on the subject of sentence structure.


If you are not sure where to find this, please watch the video called "How to find assignments on Century Tech" on the previous web page.

Read, Write, inc (RWI)

Answers are in the PDF document.
Read the texts above and answer the questions. Make sure you refer to the text as much as possible and write some of your answers in full sentences smiley We will go through the answers tomorrow.

Once you’ve finished your planning. You will need to read the comments from yesterday’s feedback.

Edit your planning accordingly and start writing up your newspaper report. Remember to look at the example on your class page- even if the topic is completely different it’s still important to see how a newspaper report is written.

Go onto Onenote and post your newspaper reports on there for us to mark.


Common Factors - introduction

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If you would like some help with your work on common factors, watch this video.

In the video I explain how to use Venn Diagrams and factor diagrams to help you to answer the questions from today's exercise.


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Watch this taught lesson on common factors.

Now after watching the video complete the sheet.

The answers to yesterday's Maths activity are here.


Please watch the video below which explains the paddling, snorkeling and diving tasks for today's Geography lesson.


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Collective worship
Watch Mrs Mistry as she reads you another version of the same part of the Bible which Luke talked about in his assembly yesterday. 


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Class text

Skellig Chapter 11.m4v

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